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11 Steps To Generate Traffic With A Tight Marketing Budget

August 24, 2021

Marketing is a science, and you need a solid strategy to make the most of your efforts. Many entrepreneurs and small businesses don’t have large enough marketing budgets to hire a team of professionals to handle their marketing, but you don’t need a big team to get results.

With a little extra time and a little planning, you can get results and build a marketing strategy that works. A panel of Forbes Business Council members, including CEO & Co-founder of Edison Interactive, Jeremy Ostermiller, share some of the most important steps that entrepreneurs can take to generate traffic with a tight marketing budget.

Use Content Marketing to Connect

Content marketing is one of the best ways to connect and engage with your audience. In a digital world, there are many opportunities you can explore. One piece of educational content about your industry or business can be leveraged in a number of ways. Create blog posts, a video or design an educational infographic, all of which can be shared on social media and your company’s ecosystem. –Jeremy Ostermiller, Edison Interactive

To read the full article, please click here.

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