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14 Ways Leaders Can Boost Empathy in the Workplace

August 30, 2021

Over the past few years, empathy has become an increasingly important quality that employees look for in a workplace, and it is easy to see why. When leaders successfully incorporate empathy into the workplace, it can result in exponential benefits like improved morale, efficiency, productivity and more responsive customer service.

Empathy must start at the top of a company. If employees feel empathy is lacking from leadership, chances are low that they will show empathy themselves. A panel of Forbes Business Council members, including CEO & Co-founder of Edison Interactive, Jeremy Ostermiller, share worthwhile ways leaders can increase and project empathy in the workplace.

Listen With An Open Mind

Jeremy suggests listening with an open mind as a strategy to increase empathy in the workplace. Be attentive to what employees are saying and how they are feeling. Try to understand their perspectives.

To read the full article on Forbes, please click here.
