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Seven Ways Managers Can Boost Worker Confidence

September 22, 2021

Confidence can move mountains in business. If you’re an executive, it helps bring ideas to life. If you’re an employee, having self-assurance enhances your career forward to reach a new level. Managers who directly communicate with and lead teams play an essential role in ensuing confidence in employees as they work.

A panel of Business Journals Leadership Trust members, including CRO & Co-Founder of Edison
Interactive Nick Stanitz-Harper, share ways that leaders can help boost confidence in their employees.

Celebrate Employee Successes

Nick believes it is extremely important to remember that your team’s success is also your success. Celebrate your employees when they perform well and achieve goals. Thank them for their contribution to the team, acknowledge them in a meeting or give them a shout out on a communication platform or in an email update.

To read the full article on Business Journals, click here.
